Members of the Water Committee during Implementation Trip I (February 2015)
Jonathan, Ashley, Harry, and Angeline hit the ground running on their first day in Mbokop to begin EWB-DC’s second implementation trip! They met with community members and visited the sub-chief. They also held a meeting with the Water Committee, who are a key group of people in Mbokop that are essential to the sustained success of this water project. The Water Committee is made up of people from each of the five settlements in Mbokop. The Water Committee members coordinated with EWB-DC during project planning and will continue to provide construction support and organize longer-term operations and maintenance responsibilities. The Water Committee arranged for community volunteers to work with the team during this trip as they establish a catchment protection area and construct the pipeline and break-pressure tanks. All hands on deck!

A truck delivering supplies to Mbokop
At the end of the team’s first day in Mbokop the construction supplies were delivered. EWB-DC had a very long shopping list. The team worked with our in-country contacts to find everything locally and arrange supply transportation to Mbokop. Key materials that were delivered to construct the pipeline and break-pressue tanks include: PVC pipe and valves, rebar, wire mesh, concrete components, and plywood. The team unloaded everything (at night under the guide of their headlamps) and were ready for a good night’s sleep after a productive day!
Next steps for Implementation Team 2 are staking the pipeline route, digging pipeline trenches, establishing a catchment protection area boundary, and prepping the break-pressure tank areas. Their shovels are ready! Stay tuned for updates on how construction progresses!