
Dumangbe, Sierra Leone
Dumangbe is a predominantly Muslim village in the Makpele Chiefdom of the Pujehun District, a Southeastern province of Sierra Leone with a population of roughly 800. The community is separated into two smaller towns by the Korgorgi stream.
The Need
Dumangbe lacks a permanent crossing to the Korgorgi stream. Temporary wooden structures provide pedestrian access during the dry season. However, these structures are unsafe and are frequently washed away during periods of heavy rainfall. This cuts off the community from critical services such as education, healthcare, and markets. Unsafe crossing attempts have resulted in drownings, and poor infrastructure access is identified as contributing to poor health and economic outcomes for Dumangbe and surrounding communities. For instance, during the Ebola crisis of 2014, Dumangbe suffered 23 of the 31 deaths in the Pujehun district due to isolation and poor access to healthcare.
The Solution
A bridge! EWB-DC seeks to construct a safe, permanent crossing of the Korgorgi stream that will provide year-round access to essential services like emergency medical care and education. A crossing will benefit not just the community of Dumangbe, but also increase access to infrastructure and spur economic development of the surrounding region.
The project began when the community of Dumangbe and their local NGO partner (Foundation for Integrated Development) applied to EWB-USA for support building a bridge. In 2020, the community was paired with the DC Professional Chapter. The project partnered with local engineers to conduct a remote assessment in September 2021, which provided initial data and engagement with the community. With the easing of COVID-19 travel restrictions, the project team performed an in-person assessment trip in May 2023 to gather data, survey the site, and interview community members. Critically, the assessment trip determined community needs, priorities, and resources. After the assessment trip the project team conducted a bridge type study. This analysis compared various bridge crossing solutions in terms of feasibility and costs, considering the community’s needs and circumstances. These alternatives were presented to the community and the vehicle culvert crossing was determined to best fit the community’s needs. The project team is now entering final design and fundraising in preparation for the construction of the culvert.
Get Involved
Want to help? We’re always looking for volunteers of all backgrounds and skill sets to join our team- not just engineers! Current project initiatives include reaching out to donors, organizing fundraisers, writing grants, and final design of the bridge crossing.
The team meetings are every other Tuesday evening and will be posted on the Chapter Calendar. New volunteers are invited to attend the project meetings or join the Chapter meeting for an overview.
Want to donate? Click or navigate to this link: https://support.ewb-usa.org/team/284945